Court reporters are responsible for the integrity of various documents used during trials and are a fundamental contributor to the legal process. Individuals in this position create the official manuscripts necessary to build a case and ensure the validity of each taken testimony. A reporter generates transcripts from spoken testimonies, conversations, and speeches held in or outside of a courtroom. Transcription is one of many forms of assistance provided by outsourced professionals. Reporters also assist with the organization of information held within official records. They are sometimes called on to seek out specific information for legal use by a representing party. Professionals additionally aid in closed-captioning, real-time translation, videography, and deposition services required outside a traditional trial setting.
Deposition Services: What Tasks are Delegated to a Professional?
Deposition services are often associated with court proceedings; however, the assistance is applicable in multiple non-court related scenarios. A legal transcript is sometimes necessary to handle human resource issues within a company or to officially document a meeting. The service is completed by one of four methods: stenographic equipment, electronic recording, voice writing, or videography. A stenotype device is used to create the necessary documents by shorthand. It is then combined with a computer system for real-time captioning in situations where a trial is publicly televised. Electronic recording involves the application of audio equipment to record the testimonies or events as they take place. The reporter identifies each speaker, verifies quality, and then creates a written transcript from the acquired audio file. Voice writing equipment prevents anyone else in the room from hearing the professional as they speak into a silencing device.
Videography services provide a recording of a meeting or testimony along with the written transcript. This latest approach allows more to be seen by individuals who are responsible for reviewing the testimony. Specific equipment is utilized to obtain the recording, which can be reviewed at any time during the trial. Videography services have been acquired by parties outside of legal practices to acquire a high quality recording of certain events. Reporters are responsible for updating existing transcripts and proofreading each document. They review the included information such as names and locations to ensure discrepancies are not present. Court reporters manage all documents to provide the most accurate information. They are responsible for these specific tasks in the legal system:
Standard Reporting Deposition Creation Public Hearing Reporting Transcription Videography Keyword Indexing Formatting of Documents Closed Captioning TranslationWhile most frequently used within a legal setting, these tasks are not strictly attached to trial proceedings. Deposition services, for example, are applicable in any situation where a person must recount an event. They have been applied in countless corporate settings and even for individual use. Reporters are utilized when closed captioning is necessary for television programs or other events. Videography also has numerous purposes outside of a recorded witness testimony. Any company, law firm, or individual in need of well organized, official documents has this hiring option available. Court reporters continue to be essential to the trial process and outsourced professionals provide an option to overloaded firms or companies in need of additional assistance.
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